Wow, this has been the CRAZIEST week ever!! So sorry I haven't had a chance to update, hopefully things will be calming down within the next few days...we will see!
Anyway, as you know this is my favorite weekly event!! I love love, love, love the Book Blogger Hop that is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy For Books. The rules are simple, and this is am awesome opportunity to get your blog out there! Post the hop on your blog, then make sure to include a link in the Mr. Linky on Crazy For Books's blog...and then -- GET TO HOPPING!
Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.
1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List at Crazy For Books
(In your link, please state the main genre that you review: eclectic, contemp. fiction, ya, paranormal, mystery, non-fiction, etc.)
2. Post about the Hop on your blog. Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier! In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!).
Your blog should have content related to books, including, but not limited to book reviews.
1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List at Crazy For Books
(In your link, please state the main genre that you review: eclectic, contemp. fiction, ya, paranormal, mystery, non-fiction, etc.)
2. Post about the Hop on your blog. Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier! In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!).
This week's question comes from Somer at A Bird's Eye Review:
Do you read only one book at a time or do you have several going at once?
Honestly, I am way too ADD to read more than one book at a time. I would start mixing story lines and characters and just not know what is going on. I read somewhat quickly though (when I have time), so usually I'm okay with just sticking to one book at a time. There have been a few times where the book I was reading was slow and boring me, so I would put it aside for a minute and start a different book, but I would come back to the original boring book in the end. So not only am I completely ADD, I'm also completely OCD -- if I start a book, I have to finish it...
How many books do you read at a time?
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you are having a great week! A very warm welcome to my new followers, and a huge thanks to my old followers for sticking around!
Happy Reading!

I love this question. I love getting to know about all of you. My answers are here:
Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.
The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
Howard Sherman
Coming through on the blog hop.
I will read two books only if I am slightly bored with the first one!
I read more than one book at a time, sometimes three, sometimes five!
I read varied genres, have a truly eclectic taste in books. Feel free to explore my blog, browse mt reviews.
Here is my Book Blogger Hop/Follow Friday post!
New follower!
I too can only read one book at a time. I also hate to leave a book unfinished! lol
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