Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature over at The Broke and The Bookish, they love lists...and so do I! So, each week they will feature a new Top Ten List from a reader and we get to make our own lists!
Top Ten Book Covers I Wish I Could Redesign
1. The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

While I have to admit, the cover does intrigue me, it is almost too simplistically boring. It doesn't even begin to show how incredible this book really is. The picture in the top right corner is awesome, and it does show "wallflower tendencies"...but it is so small...and the meaning and whatnot in this book is so big!
2. For One More Day - Mitch Albom

Again, I am completely turned off by the boring cover. This is another story that is so incredible that I feel as though the cover should be equally as amazing. I guess the thought behind a lot of this is just that the story will tell itself...and while that is true...I need something visual to grab me at first. I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover --- but honestly...who doesn't?
3. Nineteen Minutes - Jodi Picoult

I know, I know, you all are aware of my intense obsession with Jodi, so I'm sure you are surprised to see one of her books on this list. All of her other books have covers that are perfect tie-in's to the books...this one just never connected with me. I understand that holding hands is symbolic of compassion and caring, but this cover glazes over the real issue at hand.
4. Suite Scarlett - Maureen Johnson

Really key...please tell me where you would work....
5. The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

I know the story behind the charm bracelet, and that is all well and good...but really -- who has only one charm on a charm bracelet??? This cover makes me feel warm and happy and calm....not at all what it actually felt like to read this book.
6. The Secret Between Us - Barbara Delinksy

Really Barbara...doesn't your cover look kind of familiar...???

7. Delirium - Lauren Oliver

SUCH an ugly cover -- I saw the cover of the ARC books that were sent out and they were SO pretty...what happened?
8. The Help - Kathryn Stockett

I don't even know where this came from....what in the heck are the birds doing? What is the meaning behind this....because, correct me if I'm wrong...but I don't see it.
9. All of the Sookie Stackhouse books.
There are no words for my hatred of these awfully drawn book covers...
What book covers do you love to hate?
Happy Reading!

I haven't read any Sookie books yet, but they are on my list. I do remember the first time looking at the cover and thinking, really??? These are good???....
Great choices.
I kind of like the key with the NYC skyline on it. I haven't read the book but the "key to the city" comes to mind.
I thought the exact same thing about the Nineteen Minutes cover! Looking at it does not convey "horrific school shooting" to me...
I didn't even think to read the Sookie Stackhouse books based on the cover. I read it later and loved them but I didn't originally look twice. Great list.
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